What is the study testing?
The PROSPECT-2 Study is testing an investigational medicine called eptinezumab to see if it can safely prevent migraine headaches in adolescents and teens 12 to 17 years old. Researchers want to know if eptinezumab can safely reduce the number of headache days.
Understanding the PROSPECT-2 Study
Watch the videos below to learn more about the PROSPECT-2 Study.
For Adults & Caregivers
For Ages 12-17

Who can participate in the study?
To be considered for the PROSPECT-2 Study, your child must:
- Be 12 to 17 years of age.
- Have at least a 6-month history of chronic migraine.
What treatment will my child receive?
During the study, your child will receive either the study medicine, eptinezumab, or a placebo. The placebo looks like eptinezumab but contains no actual medicine. This gives researchers something to compare with the study medicine.
What happens during the study?
The main part of the study lasts about 16 weeks (4 months). During this time your child will receive study treatment and have study site visits for tests and health checks.

(lasts 4 weeks)
Before starting, you will need to give permission for your child to join by signing the Informed Consent Form.
Your child will have 1 visit at which the study doctor will ask about your child’s health, medicines he/she takes, and run tests to make sure your child is eligible for the study.

Headache tracking
Your child will be given an electronic diary to keep track of headaches for 4 weeks before starting treatment to make sure the study is right for him/her. If it is, your child will continue to track headaches throughout the 12-week study treatment period.

Study treatment
(lasts 12 weeks)
If your child is eligible, he/she will be placed by chance into a group to receive either eptinezumab or placebo. The placebo looks like eptinezumab but contains no actual medicine. This gives researchers something to compare with the study medicine. To help keep the study fair, neither you nor the study team will know which group your child is in.
Your child will receive eptinezumab or placebo as a one-time infusion that takes about 30 minutes.
Your child will have 2 phone calls and 3 study visits to check on his/her health.

Safety follow-up
(lasts 8 weeks)
Once your child finishes the Treatment Period, he/she will have the option to either join a separate long-term study called REJOIN or complete their participation with 1 final follow-up visit.
What types of tests and health checks will my child have at study visits?
Some of the tests and health checks include:

Physical exam

Blood pressure




Neurological exam

Heart activity

Blood tests